
I'm Claire and I'm the founding member of Collaborative Divorce Lafayette. We meet every other month and we encourage professionals who handle divorced and divorcing clients to attend as well. we include attorneys, mental health professionals, financial planning/products professionals, and real estate/mortgage/banking professionals.
Please click the "f" below to check out our Collaborative Divorce Lafayette Facebook page.
Lafayette Collaborative Divorce
The Lafayette Professionals have the following bullet points to best describe our vision for collaborative divorce:
Resolution focused, child focused, interests analysis, makes things easier
Helping people find out what they want
Partners who don’t handle finances can get up to speed with a financial advisor and mental health professional
We’ll work to compile fees sheet and present to law institute
Likely to encourage pre-divorce counselor use, including allowing parents to have MHPs who help identify that divorce is coming, which allows them to get their kids to a counselor to talk/treat and best maintain relationships with both parents
Psych and law connect
Allows parents to learn to parent together based on the plan they create together
Gives parent opportunity to be on same page as other parent without adversarial arena
Allows professionals to educate clients where courts don’t have time or opportunity to do so
Reduce LONG TERM costs for families
Removing attorneys who are damaging for children
Helps open lines of communication between professionals, esp. as simple as a phone call, to the LONG TERM benefit of the client and reduction of costs.
Let's Talk
Here's a chat from me to you about collaborative divorce.
...and more videos below: